What is the "happiness hormone" - serotonin?
Serotonin, also known as the “happiness hormone”, is a neurotransmitter produced by nerve cells. It plays a crucial role in transmitting signals between brain cells, thereby enhancing mood and promoting feelings of happiness.
Serotonin levels directly impact various behavioral, physiological, and cognitive functions, including memory, mood, emotions, alertness, sleep, appetite, and temperature regulation. Also, an interesting fact about the “happiness hormone” is that it exists in all organs and tissues such as the skin, intestines, lungs, kidneys, liver and testes. It exists not only in humans but also in many other living organisms, including fungi, plants and animals.
What should we know about serotonin?
Low levels of the “happiness hormone” can lead to several conditions including:
Depression requires specialized medical care and differs from a mere “lack of mood” or “feeling down”. Depression is characterised by lack of interest in daily activities, lack of energy and ability to concentrate, feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and sadness, worthlessness and inadequacy, poor sleep, decreased sexual activity, significant weight gain or loss, fatigue, headaches, etc. Depression is not a weakness of character and is not the fault of the patient. It can be treated. Depression is caused by a combination of 3 factors – genetic predisposition, environment and imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Of the chemicals, the one of greatest importance is serotonin, which is severely reduced in depression.
Sleep problems can arise from various causes, but they often stem from an imbalance of brain chemicals. While melatonin primarily regulates sleep onset and duration, its levels and the sensitivity of brain structures to melatonin are influenced by serotonin. Therefore, serotonin plays a key role in sleep quality.
While preparations containing melatonin have some effect in older patients where melatonin levels are low, in younger people insomnia and poor sleep are much more affected by serotonin levels.
Anxiety and restlessness
States of anxiety and restlessness are also due to low serotonin levels.
Harmful habits
When serotonin levels are low, quitting harmful habits such as excessive drinking, smoking and others can be extremely challenging.
How to get the “happiness hormone”?
Serotonin is synthesized through a complex biochemical process primarily involving L-Tryptophan, its precursor.
What is L-Tryptophan?
Serotonin is synthesized in the human body from the naturally present essential amino acid tryptophan. A person obtains L-tryptophan mainly from food. Once ingested, tryptophan is converted to serotonin (5-HT) through a series of reactions. First, L-tryptophan is hydroxylated to 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) by the enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase. 5-HTP is in turn converted to 5-HT by the enzyme L-amino acid decarboxylase. Necessary cofactors for this reaction are vitamin B6 and vitamin B3.
Supplemental intake of L-tryptophan in tablets helps to maintain adequate serotonin levels in the brain.

Neolexan® provides the body with L-tryptophan to maintain adequate serotonin levels in the brain. Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6 assist in the human body to use the ingested L-tryptophan for serotonin synthesis and not for other proteins. Additionally, the two vitamins support the normal activity of the nervous system and the normal mental functions of the body.
IngredientsNeolexan® beneficially affects the following conditions:

Mood, tone and daily activity
Normal levels of serotonin in the brain have a beneficial effect on our mood, tone, energy and daily activity. Vitamin B6 also positively impacts on tone and daily activity, as its additional intake reduces feelings of weakness and fatigue.

After a good night’s sleep one feels fresh and rested. This does not always depend on the duration of sleep, but on its quality. With normal serotonin levels, the natural phases of deep sleep are maintained, thanks to which the brain recovers and one feels fresh and rested.

Harmful habits
The intake of L-tryptophan, facilitates tolerating and complying with restrictions and the execution of daily activities in the absence of the harmful habit.